Friday, 4 July 2008

Saul Canal Festival Volunteer

 With the demise of Bluehorses as an active concern, the number of performances we attended dropped off sharply this year. However Nic had been asked by the organisers of Saul festival about what would make the festival better for performers. He was subsequently asked to provide some people to manage the stages and liaise with the performers.

I arrived, with Andy and met Nic and Stan already there on the Friday night and we set up tents in the area behind the main entertainment tent.
Andy & I did the main tent, whilst the other two managed the alternative venues around the site - boat based. 
The arrangements were pretty basic and we had several organisational challenges - mainly due to the fact we did not know all the management details etc. However we got through.

This was to be the last of the great meet-ups for the Bluehorses crew.