Sunday, 12 November 2017

Remembrance day parade, silvertown

 The band led the remembrance day parade in Silvertown, once more this year ...  a Longer march with the bridge being out over the railway, and an extremely bitter wind blowing.

After the service and before the tea and cakes  ...  posing with the mayor at the memorial

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Copthorne Carnival

After the dash over from Crawley we all gathered in the hall for a cup of tea, and await for the best time to go down to the field.

A short tune up and more waiting in the school yard before we did out set in the parade ring.

Then back home

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Armed Forces Day Parade

An early start  ...  but still time to get in a full English at Billy's on the road.

We gathered at the top of the North side of County Mall, then wandered down to tune up quickly. A good turn out from the band.

Then we lead the parade around the gardens ...  followed by a short tune at the end.

Off to the side to give the brass band a chance to shine, and also the luck was with us as we could shelter from the rain shower that came across at the time.

Then  another set in the circle as a finale for us.

A quick bite to eat in the Mall then drive over to Copthorne.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Colchester competition

With the Gatwick Caledonian pipe band .. at the RSPBA london branch competition at Colchester.

 A long two hour drive up there .. I went on the bike due to the hot weather, and the expected queues getting back.. lots of hanging around .. we had to be there at 9am for registration, tuning , etc ...
then lots more fiddling around with reeds and drones, then more tuning followed by some practice.

Finally on after 11pm, to do our 4 mins, then waiting for the massed bands at the end.
The massed bands was a real shambles, but not sure the public spotted it, which was followed by standing around in the field waiting for the speeches, raffle draw, and finally the results .. unfortunately we made too many errors to please the judges and came 6th out of  9. disappointing after last time out.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Horley Carnival

Playing in the Horley carnival with the Gatwick Caledonian Pipe band. It was exceedingly hot ...

we started in the main precinct
 Then in the parade
 And finally on the parade ground

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Jim Maginn competition

First competition of the year for me ...  ..  Malborough school St albans.

set up in the music room ... very low ceiling and the chanters were a real mess to start with, but Jim sorted out.

Did our 4mins around noon then off for a picnic .

pleasant surprise afterwards when we came second behind Reading.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Royal Scotsman visits Bluebell railway

The full band participated at the Bluebell Railway for the Flying Scotsman visit on the morning of Thursday 13 April . to send off the first trip , and then to welcome it back. this was an early start - 7am departure, 9am return and 10am departure.

 ... more details of the whole weeks visits can be found at

The event was reported on both the BBC and  ITV local evening news

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Mini bands competition

First Competition of the year ...  the Mini bands.  the earlier Quartets competition being cancelled due to lack of interest.

I was there on the bench .. supporting ..