Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Colchester competition

With the Gatwick Caledonian pipe band .. at the RSPBA london branch competition at Colchester.

 A long two hour drive up there .. I went on the bike due to the hot weather, and the expected queues getting back.. lots of hanging around .. we had to be there at 9am for registration, tuning , etc ...
then lots more fiddling around with reeds and drones, then more tuning followed by some practice.

Finally on after 11pm, to do our 4 mins, then waiting for the massed bands at the end.
The massed bands was a real shambles, but not sure the public spotted it, which was followed by standing around in the field waiting for the speeches, raffle draw, and finally the results .. unfortunately we made too many errors to please the judges and came 6th out of  9. disappointing after last time out.