Usual problem today .... "what time do we leave in the morning?" should have been "when do I have to get up to get breakfast before we need to leave?". So after herding the cats out of the comfort of the duvets and TV we had to stop for coffee and donuts before continuing.
The journey to Sheffield was remarkably unmemorable, and before long we were circling a Morrisons. Finally the message was getting through and we met Noterminus having a late lunch outside, with bulging shopping bags of snakes for later ... all except Paul who could not find any protein shakes ... on tour I ask you! KT and I followed suit and had bread and sausage rolls, with fruit, whilst Ryan indulged in a vegetarian breakfast (don't ask).
Trundling into town after this feast we found the venue easily and parked up outside, filling the meters for an hour, until we could see if there was anywhere better (there was not but at least it was free after 18:00).
Noterminus were ensconced in the pub on the corner, and I had a look around the neighborhood, until the van turned up .. they had gone a slightly different way, but followed the basic itinerary.
While we were debating the opening time, a head popped out from the back and we were let in. Load in was much simpler as the exit lead onto a loading dock with ramp access to the venue. very similar activity to the previous nights, and soon we had all the gear strewn over the floor.
We were in the smaller room which had a raised stage (over 1 m.) but suited us perfectly, slightly worrying but not needed, was the perspex full body armour around the mixing desk.
There was a nice alcove by the emergency exit for the merchandise, and KT was out of direct line of the speakers
During the soundcheck I seemed to have caused a few perplexed looks as I was outside, in the courtyard. The rain had given over to a nice evening and I was enthused to get out the bagpipes .. the sound was travelling into the venue ;). But I did manage to entertain a whole block of students, as well as Noterminus and Ryan who had never seen me play before.
We had three dressing rooms this time .. mainly I would guess because nothing was on the main stage, but they were a healthy walk away. through to the main room, through a door to the right of the stage, round the inner loading bay, up some steps, through another door, follow a corridor around to the right, then turn sharp left, and they are arranged to the left. but luxury to be savoured. It also gave me an opportunity to re-charge the camera batteries, without having to keep an eye on them all the time.
The show went smoothly, apart from Noterminus running over again 6 mins (at least it was consistent), but this time with a very strict curfew Sankara had to cut a track out, to meet time. This was a subject I would repeatedly remind them of on later shows, but the extra 6 mins always stayed!!
Uneventful and rapid breakdown, however Jay and I quickly scotched any rumours of the (allegedly) skint members to head for the pub, by declaring we would head out directly to the abode for the night - a travel lodge in Barnsley. I was still tired and wanted a good nights sleep.
the lodge was in the industrial park, next to a Frankie and Bennies', where the vans would be parked as all the closer spots were taken. This suited us well, but not enough to get the top up, so plan B... moved some stuff around and lowered the back of the back seat - this was a little short but I would sleep solidly. However first there was the need for facilities. Everyone had disappeared, but luckily Jay had the room numbers and, by looking like we belonged we walked through reception and selected one to knock on .. By chance we hit he party animals room, but to our surprise, rather than everything in full swing they were almost tucked up and ready for sleep!!
The rest of the night was a blurr until thirst woke me in the morning.