Steph would be making her first outing on the tour, having been constrained by work commitments during the rest of it. First of all I had to drive to Coventry to pick up KT who needed to get back home and this was the simplest way. From there it was straight to Bristol, and no trouble in finding Temple Meads station. As we pulled in we spotted Scott and Maria wandering around, who gave us directions to the venue.
The venue was in two tunnels under the station approach road, with plenty of free parking (it being Sunday) outside. While we were hanging around for access the girls went off in search of sustenance (note to self .. don't expect change from any money given to them!).
Getting the kit into the venue was very simple with access to the doors and ramps down to the main floor. we just backed the van up and walked it all down. the tunnels were quite wide, one for the bar and lounge area with the other for the stage and main floor.
As the gear was being unpacked, Jay and I were talking to the sound guy, who we found out used to play with Mark Knight (who dep'd with Blue horses after Debs left) in K-Passa. Much tall tales and reminiscing later....
The girls returned from their "shopping" trip and gave me back a few coppers and some hot cross buns, and the set up the merch stall by the bar, suitably situated .
the Pranks started fairly soon after sound check, but these are described well enough on other pages... Ryan's blog and Jay's blog - suffice it to say they escalated and the dropped off.
Apart from the pranks the sound was the best of the tour, and the show was really very well honed by now. (except for when I tripped up over a couple of leads on stage!). I wait to see how the video footage comes out.
The other great bit from the night was meeting up with Andy after what seems like an age. He popped down to see us and brought his camera. it was good to catch up and we look forward to seeing his photos. Not to be out done, Jay's daughter Buffy arrived down from uni as well (really looking for a cheap ride home) but also enjoyed the show as well as playing the main line photographer.
After the show an much lengthy good byes we headed off into the night bound for home ... uneventful drive and fell into bed at 3:30 am.