Sunday, 10 November 2024

Remembrance Day, Cuckfield

The band is a shadow of its former self, everyone is getting older and the politics have chased others away, so with the drummers lookign for a LD and playing with Hampshire, there was only five pipers to play this year.

We declined Crawley as it would involve a long march that we could not collectively manage, so ended up at Cuckfield bookending an event in the church.

I arrived early and parked in the main car park - in the longer term bays, and walked down to Iain's house for a tune up.

Around to the church to play for the arrivals (My Land & Highland Cathedral), before moving to the war memorial in the graveyard. A long run through to the 2 mins silence, then they transitioned into the church.

Jim & I waited outside. After the end of the service we played beside the south door (Scotland the Brave & Amazing Grace) before moving once more to outside the hall for the final tune (I See Mull).

Then off to the pub for a tea.